This is NOW!!!!

This is NOW!!!!
Wow - I'm feeling pretty good about myself! :) 150.2 lbs!!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Are you interested in losing weight? Or are you committed?

I went to my home Weight Watchers meeting today and celebrated 52 lbs of weight loss!!!!  It was pretty damn exciting!  I've worked hard at home, but there is something so affirming about being recognized for your hard work in a meeting.  I would still go to a meeting if it was more convenient for me - but it's not, so I just do my own thing and share it with the world!  It's amazing - I've had views from the US (duh), Canada (duh again), Puerto Rico, Russia, Germany, Malaysia & Singapore!  WOW!  The power of the net, eh?

I just realized I've lost the equivalent of a 50 lb bag of potatoes!  WOW!!!!!

Anyhoo - At the meeting this question came up:  "Are you interested in losing weight, or committed?"  THIS HITS THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD, dontcha' think????  There are a LOT of people that are interested in losing weight, but only a percentage of those people are also COMMITTED to losing it!  I have been in both camps.  For years I knew my weight was creeping up on me, and I was VERY interested in losing weight, but it was too hard, I didn't have enough time, I wasn't getting enough sleep because of my kids, blah blah blah.....  We've all heard it, and we've all said it!  We have a MILLION excuses as to why we aren't losing weight.  We're INTERESTED, but not committed enough to have the focus that it takes to turn our interest into commitment. (remember the gazelle analogy from Feb 22nd?  If you don't - go back and read it!)

When I joined WW in June, 2008 I was indeed committed.  I was focused.  I lost 25 lbs relatively quickly.  Then I met Scott.  And while a new relationship seems like a VERY bad excuse as to why I wasn't losing weight, I think it was!  Scott is really skinny - as in REALLY skinny.  He is 5'6" and weighs 144 lbs.  I'm not exactly sure what he saw in me when we first started dating, but I've outweighed him the entire time we've been together.  I was so focused when we were first together - I was eating right, even cooking him WW recipes (as if HE needs to eat that!!!), I was going to the gym,we went on walks together, he was supportive and I was losing weight.  Then I got comfortable.  It was easy to make excuses as to why I should make Chocolate Chip Cookies (he's skinny - he can eat them!!!  Yeah - but I'M not skinny - so I shouldn't!!!)  Being lazy was SO much easier than being focused!!!!!

Well, time went by and a bit of the weight I'd lost started to creep up on me.  Not much of it, but enough that it was bothering me - and the fact that it was bothering me was bothering him.  I wasn't the focused WW girl he fell in love with.  I was starting to give up and to use the same old excuses that got me where I was when I weighed 210.2 lbs!  That wasn't working for me!!!!!

When I started on this latest weight loss journey it was jump started by accident.  But, that accident has been the source of a LOT of focus & intensity for me!  It is my commitment!  The only reasons I use on myself now are I HAVE to do this - my life is AWESOME, and I don't want to short myself on ANY of it!!!!

OK - enough inspirational woo woo crap for now.  I've got to get my buns to town meeting.  When I come home I'll finish up my recipes to post (look at the bottom for the broccoli wasabi peanut salad - it is SOOOooo good!!!!) & I'll add any additional insights I may have while I'm at the meeting!



  1. The State of NC (with me as their representative, haha) says "Go, Jenn! You can/will/are doing it!"

  2. Thanks BrerSkwerl - is this someone I know? I lived in NC for close to 10 years!!!

  3. It's your old office mate 'Stopher... GW tagged me with the nickname "Squirrel" back about 7 years ago (in the RRT days) and it stuck, now everyone at the DENR calls me that; I added the "Brer", since I stay in the briars these days, and funkified the spelling just for effect...

    Keep on busting out that weight loss, you sound like you are doing great with it!

  4. I thought this was you 'Stopher! I miss you like crazy!!!! I'll do everything I can to make you PROUD! ;)
