This is NOW!!!!

This is NOW!!!!
Wow - I'm feeling pretty good about myself! :) 150.2 lbs!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Listen to your body!!!

I am tired this morning.  VERY tired!  I've had a busy week, I've done 3 of the 4 Zumba classes I committed to doing this week, and I think I really need a rest day today.

When you push yourself hard it's a great feeling!  After my Zumba classes I feel so exhilarated!  Like I'm on top of the world!  Like I could seriously KICK some ASS!  :)  I felt that way last night.  I got home, ate some food, talked with Scott a little bit, read some Kindle & then I was just falling over asleep!  :)

I woke up this morning not feeling very rested.  My body hurts.  I crave stretching!  In fact - I'll stretch right now!

Damn - I wish I could do this!  :)

That felt GREAT!!!!!  My body was telling me to stretch!  Usually I'd ignore it because I've got something else to do - but I've decided to listen to my body.  It's trying to take care of me!

The reason I missed 1 of my 4 Zumba classes this week is in my Tuesday night class I pulled my hamstring a little bit.  Not enough to be hobbling around, but enough that it felt weak.  I didn't want to injure myself further so I decided that a night off would be better than pushing myself.  And I was right!  Last night I went and I felt completely fine!  :)

Your body doesn't want to feel bad.  It wants to feel GREAT!  Sometimes taking care of yourself involves getting a serious sweat going - but sometimes it involves a hot shower, a cup of tea & a rest on the sofa!  :)

I started out this year by making 1 change - that was to only drink water for meals (and of course just 1 coffee for breakfast).  My second change was adding exercise into my life.  My third change is this - stretch every day.  Right now I only stretch after I work out - and because I'm not working out every day I'm not stretching every day.

I've got a swiss ball in my bedroom.  It is so easy to hop on the ball and just S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!!  It feels so GOOD!  Seriously - after I stretch myself out I wonder why I don't do it more often.  Well - here I am - shouting to the world (at least to my blog) - I AM A STRETCHER!!!!!  :)  I think my body will appreciate it.

Ok - off to face the real world......

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. How in the world will I manage a Swiss ball? Or better yet, how will it manage me? I'm afraid I'd fall off, no matter how I sit on it or lean on it or....... you fill in the blanks!
